Saturday, January 23, 2010


The first of January we went to DISNEYLAND with the Sagebin Clan. It was so much fun we where in Califonia for a whole week. It was good to visit with Leo's sisiter Carol and her Kids. ( We never see them because they live in Missouri) Disneyland was a blast...... But not very prego friendly!! I love ridding the rides at disneyland, but this time because I am pregnant, I only rode a select few. I would watch all the kids while the adults went on rides. It was a funnysight, I wish I had a picture, I have a huge pregnant belly, a five month old baby(my neice Hannah) in a sling, while I pushed a two year old in a strolller. It was funny to see how people looked at me like I was some crazy baby machine. We also got to see our freinds Chad and Whitney, it was so much fun, Leo and I love Cali! We always talking about moving there, but lets be honest its just a dream! Here are some pictures from our fabulous vacation!!!!


Larsens said...

How fun! I went with one month left to go with paxton and no it is not for prego ladies! I was in a wheel chair the second day walking around was way too much! Looks fun though!!

AMY & BRANDON said...

Dang you barely missed the baby when you were here! Thank you so much for your comments! It is amazing being a mommy, I absolutely love it! I can't wait to see what your lil guy looks like! I hope you are doing well...I remember those last few weeks were super uncomfortable, but it's almost over! 5 weeks left right?? Good luck and keep in touch!

Lisa Best said...

Looks like a fun trip, despite not getting to participate much :) Hope everything runs smoothly for you for this last bit of your pregnancy! You are going to be such a cute momma :)